VBSC Membership Information
Membership InformationWe now offer two types of memberships in the Virginia Beach Shag Club. Membership is open to any adult. Regular membership in the club is based on the calendar year from January to December. All current members who renew their membership by the end of February will renew at the discounted rate of $20.00. The revenue generated by membership fees offset club expenses and facilitates planning of events through the year.
An Associate Membership is intended for all “guests” that come and dance at our functions, but do not want to join as a regular member. This membership allows the member to attend all VBSC events after paying the admission fee which is determined by the Board.
An Associate Membership is intended for all “guests” that come and dance at our functions, but do not want to join as a regular member. This membership allows the member to attend all VBSC events after paying the admission fee which is determined by the Board.

If you know of a VBSC member who should be congratulated, is ill, needs cheering-up, or has had a death in the family or other circumstance, please call our Club Secretary, Jackie Matthews (486-2753), so she can send a card and let that person know that VBSC cares. Please call Jackie even if you think she may already have been notified. We don't want to miss anyone.